M&X is a company that offers a binary [consultancy & training] service developed according to advanced design methods. they are also aligned with the philosophy of B* companies, prioritizing entities that share this way of understanding economic activity and are aware of its impact on the world.
Xénia and Marta founders of M&X, came to us with a big challenge in this logo commission, they wanted to create and reinforce ambiguity between their name “M&X” and the word “MAX”. The result is a custom type drawing and design with some beautiful details, where the letters “a” and “&” softly melt.
Beside the logo we worked closely with M&X on creating some basic identity elements, like defining a colour palette and choosing the right typography to show their values.
We try to run away from the typical aesthetics of consultancy and training businesses, as M&X main clients are from the design industries, and therefore their communication was intended to match with their view. By using an unconventional style and colours, we created a more close, personal and modern look.